CoolSculpting哥伦布,俄亥俄州| Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网



CoolSculpting 俄亥俄州哥伦布市


CoolSculpting是第一个完全无创的设备 实际上 消除脂肪!  是的,这是有效的,我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台和员工可以证明. It is a revolutionary fat-reduction solution that rivals liposuction and allows you to target stubborn areas that resist diet and exercise. An applicator is placed over the skin to safely freeze the underlying fatty tissue, noticeable results take shape within weeks as the body processes and carries away the weakened fat cells.

没有切口. 不停机. 只有真正的效果和更苗条、更有轮廓的体格!



In the hands of an experienced expert, you can get more out of each “cycle” of CoolSculpting. The success of this treatment depends upon the knowledge and techniques of the provider. Nikki Rucinsky is our resident CoolSculpting expert who has undertaken specialized training and dedicated years to understanding the nuances of this incredible technology.

She will keep you comfortable throughout the procedure while she maximizes your results!



CoolSculpting精英, 由唐纳森提供, is a revolutionary non-surgical body contouring treatment designed to target stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. 我们的先进技术使我们能够针对不同的关注领域, 帮助您实现您想要的特定目标,无需手术或停机时间!

1. 腹部: Say goodbye to pesky belly bulges and love handles with treatments at our practice. 我们可以勾勒你的腹部轮廓,让你的腹部更光滑、更匀称.

2. 侧面(侧面或腰部): Eliminate stubborn fat on your sides and achieve a more streamlined silhouette with treatments targeting the flanks, 俗称腰间赘肉.

3. 大腿: 无论是大腿内侧还是大腿外侧的隆起, 我们可以针对这些麻烦的地方,帮助您实现苗条, 更有线条的大腿.

4. 下巴(颏下脂肪): Slim the double chin and define your jawline with treatments for submental fat, 帮助你获得更清晰的面部轮廓.

5. 上臂: 告别“蝙蝠翅膀”,向健美的手臂问好. 我们可以瞄准并减少上臂区域的多余脂肪, 帮助你实现更坚定, 更有轮廓的手臂.

6. 胸罩脂肪: Address bra bulges and back fat helping you achieve a smoother and more flattering silhouette so your clothes can lay flat.

7. 回: Smooth away back fat and achieve a sleeker profile with treatments targeting fat in the upper, 中期, 以及下背部.

8. 臀部: Refine the contours of your buttocks with treatments that help to reduce excess fat and achieve a more lifted, 臀部轮廓分明.


Absolutely – we have helped hundreds of patients experience incredible results from their CoolSculpting treatments. 对于一个想要彻底检查的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台来说, 最戏剧性的轮廓效果, we still prefer surgical liposuction; however, 有许多澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台不想做手术. 这些澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台通常是最好的CoolSculpting候选人.

冰棒 & 冷冻脂肪分解的起源

The idea of freezing fat cells to destroy them developed when doctors noticed smaller cheeks in kids who ate numerous popsicles. Harvard physicians then worked for a decade to determine how exactly the larger areas of fat on adults could be safely frozen.

This research led to CoolSculpting, which has now helped millions of patients around the world.

CoolSculpting is most effective on stubborn areas of fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise. 健康状况良好的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, have reasonable expectations and wish to eliminate the fat from their most problematic target spots are ideal candidates for this procedure.

不幸的是,并不是每个人都适合这些澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 例如,患有冷敏感性疾病的患者可能不符合条件. The initial consultation is critical to determine whether you are a candidate or if other solutions are better suited to help you reach your goals.

CoolSculpting通常按“周期”或会话定价. 在俄亥俄州的哥伦布市,每堂课的平均费用在600到800美元之间. Our providers work with you to determine the number of cycles necessary to meet your goals, with 8 being the average number of sessions (or “cycles”) — but this very much depends on the size of the area you want to treat.

在唐纳森整形外科, 我们根据您可能需要的循环次数提供特殊的套餐定价.

澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后,覆盖的皮肤立即发红和麻木. 颜色和感觉可能需要几天才能恢复正常, patients notice tingling and sometimes a slight burning sensation as the nerves re-warm. 不到5%的患者会有更强烈的烧灼感, 这可以通过3天的药物澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.

Swelling and soreness are common in the first few days and are often treated with Spanx® compression and a combination of heat packs and cool packs. 一周后澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网部位周围应恢复完全感觉. 在康复期间,患者的活动没有限制.

患者在八周后返回办公室接受随访. This is how much time it takes for all of the injured fat cells to be swept away by the body, 结果是可以完全看到的. 访问期间, the patient can decide whether to pursue another treatment or simply enjoy the results!

CoolSculpting is popular in the cooler months because it is a great way to prepare for the following summer! It’s best to start your CoolSculpting treatments in the fall or winter because it takes time to see your results. 平均, 结果大约需要2个月才能显现, so starting early in the fall will allow you more time for repeat cycles if they are needed.

CoolSculpting freezes away fat while CoolTone sends a series of pulses under the skin to tone the muscles. 寻求减脂的患者可以选择CoolSculpting, 而那些想要更好的肌肉轮廓的人可能会选择 CoolTone. People who are close to their fitness goals are often better candidates for CoolTone than CoolSculpting. However, there is a major benefit to using the two treatment systems together!

CoolSculpting and CoolTone are two sides of the same coin; they work in tandem to help transform your physique. 一般来说,首先澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网脂肪,然后是肌肉. CoolSculpting patients are usually ideal candidates for CoolTone because they’ve already seen a reduction in their fat layer, meaning that the CoolTone device can penetrate deeper into the muscular tissue beneath.


选择非手术减脂时, 哥伦布的CoolSculpting, 俄亥俄州是最好的(也是最安全的)澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. This treatment removes troublesome fat from problematic areas and creates natural-looking contours without undergoing surgery. We invite you to get in touch with us today and schedule your initial CoolSculpting consultation.

