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眼皮手术 Columbus Ohio

眼皮手术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市

Get Natural-Looking Results With A Surgical Eyelid LiFT

眼睑皮肤过多, whether it’s upper or lower, 是否会使人看起来更老,或者在严重的情况下会导致视力下降. With eyelid surgery (or “blepharoplasty”), you’ll see results you love. Dr. 米歇尔·西弗特完美地完成了这个变革性手术的细节. 从一个熟练的,董事会认证的外科医生那里获得引人注目的自然结果!



满足博士. Sieffert: Your Skilled 眼睑整容术外科医生

Dr. 米歇尔·西弗特是一位 board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial surgeries. Her approach is thorough and meticulous. After listening to your goals, 她会给你诚实的建议,告诉你什么是适合你的, so you can make an informed decision.

You will find an intelligent, compassionate and experienced surgeon in Dr. Sieffert. 她精心挑选的手术团队散发出这种程度的善良和专业精神,并将以最大的尊重对待您的每一步. 你的手术团队会很好地照顾你的后续预约和整个手术过程中的问题 entire pre- to post-operative process.


Eyelid Lifts Break Down Into Upper & 较低的


上眼睑手术, also known as an “upper blepharoplasty,是一种专注于上眼独特的各种审美问题的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin, muscle and fat from the upper eyelids, resulting in a more rested and youthful appearance.


下眼睑手术, or the “lower blepharoplasty,包含了一系列旨在提高下眼睑美感的手术技术. 这种手术的重点是去除多余的皮肤和脂肪,以减少下眼睑的皱纹, address skin redundancy and alleviate fat bulges.


Common Concerns with Eyelids

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    也被称为“上睑下垂”,“眼睑下垂”指的是上眼睑下垂程度低于正常水平. 这可能会影响一只或两只眼睛,并可能导致部分视野受阻,以及眼睛的疲劳外观.

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    Undereye bags are puffiness or swelling that occurs beneath the eyes. 它们的特征通常是眼睛下面的皮肤明显肿胀, leading to their bag-like appearance.

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    眼睑皮肤过多, 或“dermatochalasis,指的是随着年龄的增长,眼睑皮肤自然松弛. 这种衰弱的结缔组织会在上下眼造成一种“蒙面”的感觉.
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    The delicate skin under the eyes can become hollow or sunken. 这是由于多种因素造成的胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的损失, 包括脱水, 睡眠不足, 遗传与衰老.

Frequently Asked Questions

眼睑手术(眼睑成形术)去除眼睛上方和/或下方多余的眼睑皮肤. 皮肤。 loses elasticity with age. When combined with gravity, this causes the skin to collect and fold. Lack of elasticity in the eyelids may appear droopy or create dark circles. Removing the skin creates a much more lifted and youthful appearance. 这是一个安全的过程,不会危及你的视力-事实上,它经常改善视力!

Additional Details About The Procedure

Dr. Sieffert在镇静和局部或全身麻醉下,在门诊进行眼睑提升(眼睑成形术)手术. 切口是在上眼睑的自然折痕和下眼睑的眼线下面.

在某些情况下, excess fat and skin are removed; in others, fat is rearranged or added to fill in hollow spaces. If only fat adjustments are necessary for the lower lids, 它们可以通过眼睑内完全隐藏的切口进行,没有外部切口或疤痕(经结膜眼睑成形术)。.

有两种不同类型的眼睑手术——上睑成形术和下睑成形术. The loss of skin elasticity can impact both the upper and lower eyelids. 上眼睑下垂会使面部衰老,在某些情况下,还会降低你的视力范围. 下眼睑下垂会导致眼袋,让你看起来很疲惫. Upper and lower eyelid surgeries are performed in similar ways, your surgeon will discuss the differences in recovery.

Out of about 7,700 reviews on RealSelf.com, 94% of patients find the blepharoplasty is worth it! 乍一看,这个过程可能听起来有点可怕,因为它涉及到这样一个敏感的区域. 然而, blepharoplasty is a very safe and straightforward procedure, recovery may be easier than you expect.

Dr. Sieffert will help you through the whole process, 并最终, help you achieve the results you desire.

Blepharoplasty is a great way to enhance your eyes, but sometimes your results may be reached by a combination of treatments. 有时很难判断脸部的哪个部分导致了泄气或凹陷的外观. 例如, 眼睑下垂可能源于眉毛或前额,而不仅仅是眼睑.

眉电梯,迷你整容和 整容手术 是否所有的选择都可以和拉眼皮手术结合起来帮助你获得拉眼皮的效果. Based on your goals and physical anatomy, Dr. Sieffert将解释每个澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网以及每个澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的利弊,以便您做出明智的决定.


Recovery is just about the same for both upper and lower blepharoplasty. 主要的区别是上眼睑手术需要在手术后一周在办公室拆除缝线. Initial mild discomfort is controlled with oral medication. Bruising, swelling and sensitivity to light may last a week or two. 眼妆可以在缝合线拆除后使用,隐形眼镜可以在任何舒适的时候佩戴.

如果你的上眼睑皮肤过多,影响了视力,那么上眼睑提拉术是有帮助的, 或者,如果你的上眼睑因为肥胖而失去了自然的皱褶. 如果你的脸因为黑眼圈或下眼睑浮肿而显得疲惫或衰老, 然后下眼睑提拉术会让你看起来更年轻、更放松.

Schedule Your Consultation With Us

As we age, the upper and lower eyes naturally develop loose skin. 这会导致你的眼睛浮肿,看起来很“老”,你可能会觉得这并不能代表真正的你. 我们邀请您与我们澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台,讨论您的目标并安排您的个人咨询.

Dr。. Sieffert
